4 Things To Consider When Choosing Your Wedding Videographer



Your wedding day is more like a play than a movie. You can’t go back a redo a part of the ceremony – and your videographer can’t go back to fix something if he or she didn’t capture it quite the way you were hoping for. That’s why it’s important to think about your vision for your wedding video. What is important to you? Lets start by asking the most basic question…


Why do you want a wedding video?

Don’t just book a videographer because it’s on the wedding planning checklist! Ask yourself why you want your wedding day filmed: Do you want to watch it and reminisce with your partner on your anniversaries? Do you want to show it to out-of-town family who couldn’t make the ceremony? Or do you want to show it to your future children years from now to help tell the story of your family (and watch them – inevitably – laugh at your hairstyle)? Reflecting on the broader reasons for your wedding video will help you think through more stylistic questions like…


Where should the center of attention be?

It’s called “your special day” for a reason – the day really is all about YOU. But when thinking about your wedding video, consider again what you will want to remember. Do you want the focus of the video to be on you, your partner, and all the love in between? Or is it more important to remember all of your friends and family, gathered in one place, celebrating and dancing the night away? Neither option is “better” than the other, it’s simply a matter of personal taste. If you feel strongly one way or the other, be sure to let your videographer know! While you’re at it, you may want to ask him/her…


What are the truly memorable moments of the day?

This should be the question on every couple’s mind. What makes your wedding day special? Is it spending the morning getting ready for the day with your wedding party, feeling the anticipation slowly build? Is it the ceremony? Is it the food? Is it dancing with your friends? Your wedding day is special for all these reasons and more, but what do you think will stand out to YOU in several years’ time? Asking yourself questions like this will help you navigate your videographer’s options and build the package that is just right for you. It will also help you dive into other nitty-gritty questions like…


How long should the video be?

After mulling over the questions above, you should have an idea of what the content of your video will be. Now consider how long you want the video to be. Do you want a long form feature-length video that encompasses every last detail of your wedding day? Or do you want a shorter highlight trailer? While the feature-length video packs in more detail and captures the whole picture, the highlight trailer offers a concise look at the whole day that you can easily share across social media or show to friends and co-workers that probably wouldn’t sit through the movie length version. 


But why would you choose one over the other when you don’t have to? Westview Media proudly offers feature-length and highlight trailer length video side-by-side in almost all of our affordable packages. Call or email us today to find out why Westview Media is the best value in St. Louis area wedding videography.